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- Art Deco 2
- Bing & Grondahl 8
- Brass items 7
- Bronze 5
- Candlesticks 10
- Carriage clock 7
- Coins 29
- Dresden 0
- Furniture 1
- Glass 3
- Gold 35
- Gold & Silver Jewellery 104
- Ivory 0
- Kilt Pins 7
- Meissen 6
- Militaria and Weapons 12
- Moorcroft 8
- Paintings 12
- Pill box 5
- Porcelain & Glass 112
- Quaich 0
- Royal Copenhagen 10
- Royal Doulton Figurines 10
- Silver 158
- Sitzendorf 1
- Snuff box 5
- snuff mull 9
- Specimens and crystals 0
- Sporran 7
- Staffordshire 3
- Staffordshire mug 2
- staved ware 1
- Toby Jugs 11
- Uncategorized 22
- Pottery 15
- Unusual Items 92
- Vinaigrette 1
- Watches and Clocks 10
- Wooden 1
- Worcester 53
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An Ebony Box